An In-Depth Interview with

Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku is one of the most sought-after motivational speakers. He has risen to prominence by delivering authentic, informative, captivating and high-energy messages which tell people how to "spear social buffaloes" and live up to their greatness. It is a message Dr. Kituku, a native of Kenya, Africa, has learned from his own life and now helps others apply to their lives. Vincent offers individuals and organizations the "spears" of overcoming and thriving beyond their "buffaloes." Buffaloes invaded villages without warning, devastating social structures, uprooting the harmonious livelihood of villagers and left them feeling insecure and stressed out. Question:Vincent, you are one of the most sought-after motivational speakers. What is the secret to your success? From the beginning, I tried not to give one memorized speech to all groups. I tailor my speeches to a group’s specific needs. This way there is no chance of giving a "from the shelf" speech. The same kind of speech to inherently different groups of people cannot inspire participants to make a change that builds a better future than their past. I do tremendous research. I call or visit participants before the presentation date to find out what challenges (buffaloes) the organization faces on a day-to-day basis and also from a long-term standpoint. I want to know the objectives and what outcome is expected for individuals and their organization. This is the backbone of my success. I capitalize on key issues and prepare a powerful, customized presentation that is not only informational but riveting, engaging and challenging. I want people who listen to my presentation to leave knowing their future is still spotless irrespective of their past failures. It is important for my performance to be easily separated from those of other speakers or trainers. My goal is to create a undivided listening experience for the participants, start a fire in their belly and give them wings to soar to their next level of performance. I honestly want my listeners to never be the same again because their potential is re-invigorated, they have a broader vision of life and are driven from within to perform to the best of their ability with limited resources and time. Question:Why are your presentations different from those of other speakers or trainers? Authenticity and connection. People want to hear fresh perspective and feel they are valued. I take them from their homes or office desks to an experience in an African village with water buffaloes or to Wyoming in winter; a variety of experiences that connect with their highs and lows. They experience laughter and tears, moments of silence, reflection of their past and projection to a brighter future. It’s my desire to keep each individual listening to my speech on the edge of his or her seat. I do not compromise on this, I work hard to achieve it. I bring my experiences from an African village to western cultures and as someone who was once an insider in corporate America. My ability to weave personal stories and folktales that people can relate with sets me apart from other speakers or trainers. My audiences participate with their ears, minds, hearts and souls. Question:How do you motivate/inspire people to overcome their challenges? I totally believe each individual has the potential to enrich this world like no one else. My call is to believe in them so that they can believe in themselves. I help them learn to deal with "social buffaloes," one at a time and hold themselves to higher expectations. I inspire people to let go of the assumption that life will always be the same, with job security, same skills and surrounded or working with same people. To form habits that build brighter future, I encourage audiences to be flexible, cherish and maintain teamwork spirit, make learning a personal lifelong project and build a multi-functional resume. When people expect the best regardless of their prevailing circumstances, they succeed. I build a realization that happiness is not out there. It is within. Neither is it a destiny, but a journey. Question:What is the greatest (buffalo) challenge that you have overcome? Buffaloes seem to fill my path in life. I was held back several times in grade school. In second grade I was kicked out of the class choir and again in 5th grade. A number of my brothers and sisters, all younger than I, died too soon. The greatest buffalo that I have overcome, as I look back at my life in Kangundo, Wyoming and Idaho, is the belief that I was not capable of setting and achieving goals and build a career that connects with people. I learned in 1972 that what happens to you is not as important, to you and your future, as how you respond to it. I also believe others, at their best, can only delay the blessings God has set for me, but they can’t stop the blessings from coming. I believe, with all my heart that I am unique and it’s my call to beautify this world like no one else. Question:How do you create powerful and perfect speech? The first thing I avoid is wasting time for myself and my listeners. Before doing anything, I want to know beyond any element of doubt whether I am the right speaker for the group. If I am, then I do an evaluation of the organizational objectives. What is the organization’s desired outcome? Why are they calling an outsider? I interview people who are working in the organization and are going to hear my presentation. I listen to their needs as well as the mission of their organization. Now my job is to marry employees’ needs and the organization’s mission to establish a better future for each. For every speech I give, my first goal is to create a learning environment that propels individuals to new heights of success. I achieve this by inspiring participants to commit to their organization, even though they are not offered job security, but a chance to get skills that will keep them marketable. Question:Vincent, how do you inspire your audience? In an inclusive and relaxed atmosphere, I encourage the audience to reflect on their past, present and future. How they have taken drawbacks, what resources they have and the future they hope to have. With a riveting true-life journey, participants learn how to stretch beyond their current belief systems and way beyond their current potential. I want them to know that the skills, resources, and connections that have brought them where they are, will probably not help them in overcoming their current and future "buffaloes." We must raise the bar for ourselves. We must know that through being in-touch with our inner self, discipline and passion we can surprise even ourselves. Question:How can someone overcome challenges? Each person has to evaluate the kind of life he or she is living and say, "enough of this." People have overcome great "buffaloes" in their lives. But they had to have resolved within themselves that there must be a better life than what they were having. The "buffaloes" maybe spiritual, family relationships, physical, or professional. When someone gets to the point of wanting a better tomorrow, within him/herself, he or she will do whatever it takes to make it happen, focus beyond their lion’s claws and teeth and sing a song of victory. With that passion, you are unstoppable. They adhere to the words of Sidney J. Harris when he said, "Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." Such people know that with God, "All things are possible." Question:What can you call your turning point experience in life? March 9th, 1985 at midnight when I invited Jesus Christ into my life. Life has never been the same. I have since learned there are only two important things in life. The first is being in touch with God, family and other people. The second is being self disciplined and holding myself responsible for my soul, joy, and livelihood. Always clear in my mind are the words, "Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry," by Mark Twain.