“...What we do for others is what gets us ahead...”
Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku

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Article by Dr. Kituku

We offer these inspirational articles on a nonexclusive basis. You may reprint or repost this material as long as Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku's name and contact information are included: Vincent@Kituku.com / (888) 685-1621. NOTE: Reproduced articles must include the photographer's copyright and credit byline.

The Nail on the Wall


My young brother, Major Kituku, told me a story in 1976 that illustrates the importance of forgiving others.


    Once there was a man who was wealthy and had a huge house. He had a nail on one of the walls in his sitting room where he hung his coat whenever he was home.  Unfortunately, he lost his wealth and had to sell his house.  When he found a buyer, he removed his belongings and wanted to take his nail with him.  Together with the buyer, they agreed that removing the nail would damage the wall. The new buyer told him that he could always come and hang his coat whenever he wanted.


    This man lived up to that agreement.   He came to hang his coat any time he wished.  At times, he came when the new owner was entertaining guests. On other occasions, the coat was hung at family dinner time or when the new owners were in bed. This man became poorer and poorer, and his coat begun to stink.


    The process continued until the new owner finally became offended and removed the nail.


The nail represents the spirit of unforgiveness. As long as it is in one’s heart, Satan enters into the heart and uses it any time.


If we have an issue with someone and refuse to forgive that person, we have a nail in one of our walls.  Thoughts of that person come into our minds any time.  They come at the altar of prayer, at family time or when we are planning our future.  They stop positive thinking, curtail our relationship with God and negatively impact our health.


When we spend time to thinking negatively about someone who offended us, we are allowing that person control our future.


The offense might have come from our loved ones, a co-worker or neighbor.  While it is noble for the offender to ask for forgiveness, it doesn’t always occur. For our own health and happiness, we must forgive as soon as we can and forge ahead with a freed spirit.


Sometimes, we want the person who has offended us to learn a lesson. We feel that by letting go our “wall” will crumble. Hence, we permit the “nail” to remain in place.


Each individual has the choice to live miserably with an unforgiving spirit or to forgive and move on. The past is gone. The future could easily be cluttered with nails that should have been removed.


Let’s remove those nails now.  Life is not a rehearsal.  This is it.




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