“...What we do for others is what gets us ahead...”
Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku

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Article by Dr. Kituku

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Our son’s name is Kithetheesyo Uathimo, meaning Persistent blessings. To the best of my knowledge, he is the only person with this combination. He is our fourth child, the only boy, and was born in my middle age.


After pondering for over six months, I concluded that persistence is the quality in life that separates winners from losers. It is the one factor in life that makes a person prosper in spiritual, temporal and physical ways. It separates those who endure spiritual battles from those who succumb to them. Persistence in one’s vision brings the anticipated blessings.


My son’s name gives me reassurance in my own life. I heartily believe that even when nothing seems to come out of a project, persistence pays off.  Abraham Lincoln is an example. He is among the great leaders who had major impact in changing the beliefs and practices of his time.  A close look at his career portrays somebody who would have been relatively unknown were it not for his spirit of persistence.


Recently, I read the following from an Economic Press Publication about Lincoln: failed in business at age 22, ran for the legislature and was defeated at 23, failed again in business at 24, won a seat in the legislature at 25, his sweetheart died when Abraham was 26, suffered from a nervous breakdown at 27, defeated for speaker at 29, defeated for elector at 31, defeated for Congress at 34, elected to Congress at 37, defeated for Congress at 39, defeated for Senate at 46, defeated for Vice President at 47, defeated for Senate at 49, elected President of United States of America at 51.


His persistence, courage and perseverance brought blessings to himself and others.  His history in personal and political life shows that the odds were against him. Yet, he persisted and won his place in the pages of history and in the hearts of his countrymen down to this day and far beyond.


In the book of Ruth, we read how she, a gentile, insisted on being with her mother in-law. Her persistence lead to her marriage with Boaz, a Jew. Further, she became King David’s great grandmother and is in the ancestry of Jesus Christ Himself


David, a shepherd boy, persisted against his brothers’ ridicule and King Saul’s discouraging remarks. His blessings were enormous. He defeated Goliath, the giant and went on to even greater triumphs.


The Apostle Peter is another example of how persistence brings spiritual gain. He doubted while walking on water, he initially refused to have Jesus wash his feet, he cut off a soldier’s ear and denied Christ three times.  These temporary setbacks didn’t deter Peter from pursuing his heavenly call.


Discouragement, depression and worry are enemies of persistence. We can receive get reassurance from Psalm 31:24 says, “Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”  Further, we read in Romans 8:18, “I reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”


We must come to grips with the realities of life if we are to receive the blessings that come from persistence.  In life, there are challenges that must be met. Sorrows abound and must be overcome. Tragedies must be faced courageously.  Struggles must be fought tenaciously.


Life offers enormous blessings for those who persist.  Blessings start with accepting life as a gift.  In life, there are adventures…dare them.  Opportunities present themselves daily… take them. When we view life as a mission field, we are bound to fulfill it.


Persistent people get their ultimate rewards because they don’t adopt common alibis. Age, gender, material possession, other commitments, present skills and abilities will never prevent them from getting their blessings.


What is stopping you from getting your blessings?  Is your vision in line with your values? Is it a vision that can benefit you and others?  What do you have now that you can use to begin the process of achieving your vision?  What will you lose should you choose to quit pursuing your vision?




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