“...What we do for others is what gets us ahead...”
Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku

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Vincent Kituku







Article by Dr. Kituku

We offer these inspirational articles on a nonexclusive basis. You may reprint or repost this material as long as Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku's name and contact information are included: Vincent@Kituku.com / (888) 685-1621. NOTE: Reproduced articles must include the photographer's copyright and credit byline.

Blessed Embarrassment

Have you ever panicked or felt like running away after an action that you took in public? It is not pleasant. We often meet life opportunities in places we do not want to be. Opportunities open up…whether we are ready or not.

In the spring of 1997, The Idaho Statesman advertised a poetry reading at the Log Cabin Literary Center. I had never been to a poetry reading nor written a poem so I attended out of curiosity.

At the entry of the room was a table with a paper and pen. The two people ahead of me wrote their names on the paper then sat down. I followed their example. I sat near the door so I could leave if I got bored! More people came, but and only some of them wrote their names on the paper.

The reading begun, and I became fascinated. Listening to the participants engaged my soul, body and mind. After each reader, the moderator called a name from the paper which I had signed and someone went to the front to read his or her poems. I became nervous as the names of people ahead of mine on the list were called. I couldn’t listen. I thought about the mistake I had made. Sure enough, my name was eventually called. I stood up with dignity, but without a poem.

I told the audience I didn’t have a poem, but I had some folktales I learned from my mother. After two short stories the audience was captivated. I told one more folktale and left the room for the night.

This event inspired me so much that I wrote my first poem on Mother’s Day. It has been printed in several books and numerous newspapers. Another piece was published by the national Library of Poetry. Two years later, I was invited and paid to read my poetry at the Log Cabin.

Blessings kept coming from my embarrassment. I now enrich thousands of school children with what my Mama taught me. My response at the moment of confusion led to more than 50 speaking engagements.


Share your uniqueness. President Nelson Mandela of South Africa, in his inaugural speech, stated, "… Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


You have what you need to get started on your dreams and to enrich others wherever you are.

We desire the fruit of humility (blessings) without humiliation. We know what we want, but God knows what we need. Often, what we need is to make the most out of our humiliations to find blessings in confusion, panic, and other emotions when God closes doors and opens windows.




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