Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku
Overcoming Buffaloes in Our Lives
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achieve new heights in your professional and personal life.

Issue Number:        Volume 1 No. 8
Publisher:               Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku
Date of Issue:               September 3 2002
© 2002 Overcoming Buffaloes in Our Lives. All Rights Reserved.

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What others are saying about Dr. Kituku works:

“Vincent, Thanks for your newsletter, truly a blessing. I giggled
when I read the "AC" part. That was funny and what a great analogy to
the "AC'S of life. I thank you that you my brother encouraged and
supported me as I was thinking of "making the jump" from World Vision to
Weyerhaeuser and now in my business. God has been so faithful!” Jan
P. Dwyer. Jan Dwyer & Associates

Thank you so much for publishing your articles on the Internet. Very
simple messages, well written, and often forgotten in the 'advanced'
societies worldwide. I laughed and cried. Thank you. Hopefully I
learnt something too, so I can pass on these great messages and some good
will to others. Kind Regards, Jonathan
============================================================================== =====
For your upcoming Business or Association Conference, work with Dr.
Kituku. You are guaranteed a memorable customized keynote speech
and/or breakout training programs. CALL TODAY and book Dr. Vincent Muli
Wa Kituku. You will not regret it! Call Vincent at (208) 376-8724, or
visit Kituku & Associates website at www.KITUKU.com


1. Dr. Kituku Commentary: The Beginning of an Endless Chapter
2. 9 Top Tips For Jumping Into Your Future Personal Success
3. New Horizon
4. Top 11 Practices that Retain Customers
5. 13 Top Lessons on Exceptional Leadership
6. Featured Turning Point Experience Piece: Remembering Allan Creech

The Beginning of an Endless Chapter

In the Afternoon of September 11, after two hours of wanting to write
but writing nothing, I realized my feelings had became a barrier
between me and my writing—they obstructed my words and stopped my
coordination. My world had changed forever.

I did what any other person could have done in my situation. I called
the editor of the lifestyle section, Argus Observer, Eastern Oregon
and said, “Shannon, please understand me. I am sorry I can’t write.
This thing is too much for me. I don’t know how to write about it.” 
Shannon had called and requested I write an article to help the
community start finding meaning in life early in the afternoon of September
11, 2001.

With respect Shannon said, “Vincent, thank you. I understand” and we
hung up after I promised to e-mail him an article, immediately, if I
wrote one.

Words did not elude me that afternoon because of the events in New
York and Washington D.C alone. There had been another development. I
braved myself at midday to drive to downtown Boise to pick up mail. I
enjoyed the drive immensely—I had time to cry without my phone
interfering with the process.

In the parking lot, I saw two elderly ladies, probably in their late
70s struggling to carry huge boxes inside the Post Office. I offered
to help, which they accepted with deep appreciation and landmark
smiles that leaves one wishing, “If only life was like this.” I treasured
carrying several boxes for those ladies. This act somehow reduced
the guiltiness and sense of helplessness that I had felt all morning,
as I listened and watched satan in Action, and knew that I could do
nothing, beside praying, to help the victims at their most vulnerable

I picked up my mail, got in the car and opened each letter. After ten
minutes or so, I tried to start my car but the ignition key didn’t
fit. It was after several trials I realized I had been in someone’s car
that was parked in a handicapped zone. This was a red car like the
one I drove. But it was a station wagon while mine was a sedan.

I sheepishly looked around and headed to my car. The shock of what
could happened if the owner found me trying to “steal” his or her car
moved my thoughts from the victims of the terrorists attacks to the
delusion the whole thing had put me into. It was later in the evening
when I gathered courage and emotional stability to tell my family the
almost car- hijacking experience I went through.

With Shannon’s request put on hold, I left the office to join my
family in mourning with the rest of the world. As in past bad times, I
gave myself the treat of being processed by grief. Two days later, I
labored with a pen and paper to ease my grief in another way I have
found effective with the deaths of my siblings and friends—writing
poems. And the Unforgettable poem was born.

It was in this elevated mood that an e-mail from Tony, Zidaho.com
website editor found me. He wrote, “…I hope you are well. We are all
deeply saddened by the events over the past few days and I think your
inspirational column may offer an opportunity to share some hope and
guidance. Would you like to write a special piece specifically for
these trying times? Please let me know and I'll post it immediately.”

The inspiration I had received from writing the poem kept me floating
in a sea of emotional turbulence as the article “Loving Our Muslim
Neighbors,” that has won an international award, came to be.

Living with September 11 had just begun. I was scheduled to be a
keynote speaker at the Virginia Primary Care Association’s annual
conference on September 17. But with the paralyzed and limited flight
opportunities plus the general panic, my event was postponed. And a turning
point in my business, as a speaker, author and seminar leader was

I could no longer travel with my African spear, one of my
presentation props, in flight. It had turned from a visual aid into a tool of
destruction. My traveling attire changed, too—an authentic African
outfit could easily be confused with Islamic traditional clothes—a
confusion I would do my best not to create as tempers were flaring toward
Mid-Easterners at the time.

Events of September 11 changed the speaking industry as firefighters
and policemen became the most-sought speakers. The then New York
Mayor, Rudy Guliani ushered in demand for leadership training on Leading
in Chaotic times. The new speakers didn’t have to advertise their
services, credentials or provide testimonials. Their capability and
self-sacrifice were rightly illuminated all the way into American
people’s hearts by the blaze that leveled the Twin Towers and a part of the
These were silly inconveniences I could live with. But what about the
constant question, how can someone born of a woman orchestrate such
atrocities? How could I explain to my child life was beautiful and
convince him to ask for a toy instead of a gas mask for Christmas? How
could I trust the man or woman next to me, especially if they stood up
mid flight? Will my writing ever return to the pattern it had before
September 11?

In life some things may have a closure—Not September 11, a chapter in
our lives that is deeply imbedded into our very being. The whole book
(our lives) can’t be read without constant reference to September 11
because it defines life before and after.
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Top 7 Tips For Jumping Into Your Future Personal Success

Let’s start with a startling question, what is really stopping you
from living the live you envision? Having the career of your dream or
the quality relationship you deem great for you or the business
rewards that reflect your potential.

Simply said, over 80% of adults don’t live up to their greatness
because they suffer from what I call “African Impala Syndrome.”

Jumping high and forward is an inborn talent for survival of the
African impala.  The impala is known to jump about ten feet high.  This
high jump propels the impala to land about thirty feet from the spot
where it starts. With this ability of vertical and horizontal jumping,
the impala survives and thrives in the carnivore-infested savannas of

However, the impala has a unique limitation. It jumps only when it
can see where it will land.  I once read from an issue of “Bits and
Pieces” that when the African impala is confined in a three-foot high
fence, it won’t jump.

As I think of the African impala, I often wonder how we fail to live
up to our potential because we suffer from “African impala Syndrome.” 
We don’t “jump” unless we can see “where we will land.”  When we
suffer from this syndrome, we choose to tough it out in careers or work
environments that may be stressful.  We don’t let go of habits that
may be detrimental to our spiritual growth, bodies, profession or
families. We don’t try new projects because we may not see what the
results may be. We lack the faith needed to move forward.

Here are Top 7 Tips For Jumping Into Your Future Personal Success

1. To jump forward, one has to use the word BUT cautiously. “But” is
a “wall” that nips talents before they can blossom.  When one’s life
is governed by “buts,” chances are that his or her talents, gifts and
experiences are underutilized. Someone would say, “I would like to
write a book, but who would publish it or who will read it?” Or “I
would go back to school, but I am old.”  However, unless we let go of
this attitude, we will leave this world with unused skills, probably
stressed and disappointed.
2. Understand that your not “jumping” is not only hurts, but all
those who could benefit from your jumping. If you, as a parent or boss
go back to school, chances are that your children or employees will
emulate your example.
3. To “jump” from your current state that you don’t like or wouldn’t
like to be in five years from now, you only need permission from one
person, YOU. Take inventory of what resources (people and material
goods) to help you launch your “Jump.”
4. Think of Noah, the one who built the ark in a desert without
clouds in the sky. Faith is a dynamic condition of mind through which
desires, plans or goals are translated into tangible results.  The first
step of putting your faith in action is to determine your desire and
purpose and pursue it no matter what obstacles you face
5. Once you have developed a goal, keep negative thoughts like
failure, fear, anger and envy from your mind.  Associate with people who
will encourage you.  Acknowledge that for every step backward, there is
one or more forward steps that bring you closer to your goals. Pray
and work like you have never done before.  Accept the fact that you
are only using a portion of your potential at any time, and you could
always do better.
6. As you jump by faith toward your determined goal, never let a day
pass without doing something related to your goal. Surround yourself
with materials that are in tune with the goal you want to achieve,
and always remember, the power of belief makes the difference.
7. Remember, when we “jump”, we may suffer pain or failure.
However, it is a tragedy for one to never live up to his potential because
he didn’t jump.  By not jumping, you may avoid pain or the experience
of failure.  But you won’t learn, change, or experience self-love and
growth. And the pain that you are stuck in your situation and the
regret that you did nothing about it when you could is more scathing. 
It is only by jumping, that we liberate ourselves and others to jump
higher and further.
8. If you are waiting for inspiration in order jump, you are a

9. St. Augustine said, “God has promised forgiveness for your
repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow for your procrastination.”

New Horizon

Governor Dirk Kempthorne, Idaho has named Dr. Vincent Muli Kituku as
a member of the Coordinating Council for Families and Children. Dr.
Kituku has devoted his efforts and resources to help stop domestic
violence and is a member of Board of Directors for Women and Children
Alliance. He also serves in the Advisory Board of Assistance League of
Boise. Vincent was a featured speaker and the Emcee at the opening
ceremony of the Anne Frank Human Rights Educational Center in Boise,

Top 11 Practices that Retain Customers

Build relationships. Value the success of your client/customer with
or without any pay for you.

1. Forget old tactics (Find a customer’s pain and heal it).  A person
will do business with someone they can relate with.
2. Be magnetic. This happens when your company (plus
products/services) is the 1st thing a customer can think of when he/she or someone
else they know has a need of items similar to what you offer.
3. Use the skunk’s power of publicity. A skunk survives by making its
presence known. Make your products/services known. Use media, service
clubs, schools, and other social entities. Remember to offer
products/services that don’t stink.
4. What is your personal life philosophy? Create a philosophy that
goes beyond a selling pitch. A philosophy you can quote to others when
you are half asleep. Mine is “What we do for ourselves can get us by.
What we do for others is what gets us ahead; whether in our
profession, spiritual pursuits or relationships.” And life is short. I will
have fun in anything I choose to do.
5. Forget 8-5, Monday through Friday. Selling is an everyday
activity. You can always be in the frontline or research what’s going on in
the market so as to be better.
6. Be at your client’s human level. Asking for a celebrity’s
treatment pulls clients away from you. You are the hired hands, not the
village hero to be carried shoulder high. Be normal, go second class.
7. Be an expert. Develop your knowledge in your line of
products/services so that customers can call you with problems because they know
you have the answer.
8. Be your customer’s silent marketer. Direct people to the
products/services your customer provides and you will keep your relationships
vibrant as well as earning their business.
9. Remember St. Fransis of Asisi’s words, “Preach the gospel, use
words if necessary.” If you can’t live what you preach, your clients
10. Sharpen your spear constantly. Reading how others are attracting
and keeping customers will help you do the same.
11. Go the extra mile. Surprise your customer with something you
don’t have to do. Ask about their children’s birthday, their new home,
the puppy, the vacation. Ask about personal things they have let you
know about.
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13 Top Lessons on Exceptional Leadership

1. Exceptional leaders are ethical. They are trustworthy and they
know integrity in all aspects of life is being true to their conscious
even when no one will know about it.
2. They lead by example. Their motto is “What I do speaks so loud and
clear that what I say is barely audible.”
3. They know their personality power and use it in strong combination
with knowledge and skills (demonstrated knowledge and skills that
critics respect and supporters admire) power and a dose here or there of
positional power.
4. Exceptional leaders are visionaries. They see ordinary things that
can be turned into extraordinary results.
5. They are solid communicators. They are clear, concrete, and
consistent in communicating their vision or instructions. They deliver
messages with enthusiasm and sincerity.
6. Listening is the other part of communication great leaders are
good at. They listen and try to understand the challenges about their
vision that are limiting people’s productivity.
7. Exceptional leaders are risk takers. They don’t wait for
opportunities to present themselves. They knock on doors and climb high places
in search of new ventures.
8. Leaders develop and cultivate new heights of positive attitude as
they meet new challenges from day-to-day.
9. Exceptional leaders are change agents. They embrace change knowing
it is packaged with challenges and opportunities.
10. Effective leaders are lifelong learners. They learn from their
own mistakes and from observing mistakes made by others. Growth
conscious leaders hunger for current and past wisdom and get it from
reading, listening and thinking. They buy into Eric Hoffer’s philosophy
that, “In a time of rapid change it is the learners who inherit the
earth. The learned are prepared for a world that no longer exists.”
11.  Exceptional leaders give their all. They go the extra mile that
is needed to make their vision a reality. They are determined,
flexible and dedicated.
12. They care! As early Egyptians mummified their Pharaohs, they
removed the dead leader’s brain but left the heart intact. They believed
that for a leader to be great, a compassionate heart was necessary. A
leader’s huge heart prompts him/her to create a family-like working
environment, where employees feel and know they are valued, respected
as individuals, given opportunities for growth and having fun.
13. Exceptional leaders value fun and time out for spiritual, family
and recreational endeavors.

In April’s newsletter, I promised to share what I have learned in
different areas of life/business in the last 5 years as a full time
speaker, writer and seminar leader . Every month there will be a Featured
Turning Point Experience piece that reflects a unique circumstance
either in speaking or writing arenas.  Here is this month’s piece:
Remembering Allan Creech

Allan Creech’s life was a journey into people’s hearts—a journey that
will continue even in the absence of his physical presence.

How Allan, Chief of Police, Nampa, Idaho lived and died brings to
memory a song I used to hear in my undergraduate years.

When He calls, I will answer… I will be somewhere working for my

The first time I met Chief Creech, he was somewhere working for his
Lord at a Youth Camp, in McCall, Idaho. I had been invited as a
speaker. After my speech, a man with a smile approached me and introduced
himself. He said he worked with the Nampa Police Department and would
like to give my name as a potential trainer in leadership, family
life and working with different cultures.

This is where I saw humility-in-action. It wasn’t until he gave me
his business card that I realized he was the Chief of Police. He had
taken time off to help facilitate a Christian Youth Camp for his
church.  With time I learned that Allan’s life was a perfect example of the
fact that one’s future could be that of admiration regardless of a
turbulent past.

He was in a foster home, had trouble with the law and eventually
became the head of a police department.

For those who have lived and/or worked with Chief Creech can attest
when I say that he taught us that we can move ahead in our professions
without leaving our families behind. I witnessed him come, with his
infant grandchild, to a training session where he was to give a brief
presentation.  He gave his presentation holding that child and then
left, “…to go and continue having a great time with his buddy,” he
said to the police officers participating in that training.

From the day I met him, I can’t recall Creech talking without asking
about my family and then telling me of his. The way he talked about
his family gave me the feeling that I knew them…and when I meet his
beloved wife, son and daughter in-law—they were people whose story I
had heard.

To know the depth of Creech’s leadership, one has to be familiar with
how early Egyptians thought and mummified their Pharaohs. Egyptians
removed the dead leader’s brain but left the heart intact. They
believed that for a leader to be great, a compassionate heart was
necessary. This man, Allan Creech, had a huge heart. He told me his goal was
to create a family-like working environment, where employees felt and
knew they were valued, respected as individuals, given opportunities
for growth and having fun.

It’s tempting, and unfortunately a common practice, for a leader to
come up with training needs, arrange time and place for the training
and then have his employees attend the training while he takes care of
other matters. This was not so with our fallen Chief of Police, Mr.
Creech. He led by example. He was the first to show up for training
and participated until the last minute. He was not the experienced
expert, but a learner who was ready to better his life and the lives of
other people by acquiring knew knowledge and skills to soar with.
Caring was more important to him than how much he knew.

Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Everyone has the power for greatness –
not for fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by
service.” The joy of serving his community seemed to give Allan a new
beginning continuously. The future of youth was deeply imbedded in his

In April 20 2002, he participated in a Radio program, KBOI 670,
Buffaloes in Our Lives, that I host with Diana L. James at 8:00 a.m. on
Saturday, after arriving home late the previous night. He talked about
youth, their challenges, hopes and what adults can do to help young
people develop the tools they will need to thrive in an unpredictable
world. Allan knew like Audrey Jeanne, “It’s easier to build a child
than to repair an adult.”

One of the best tributes for Chief Allan Creech, who died somewhere
working for His Lord (looking for a suitable place for youth
activities), is to carry on with the lessons he has taught us. To love God,
serve His people with humility and invest in our youth—because there
lies the future of the family, community and nation. © By Dr. Vincent
Muli Wa Kituku, Author, Motivational Speaker and Trainer. P.O Box
7152. Boise, Idaho 83707. Phone (208) 376-8724, www.Kituku.Com

Stay Tuned With Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku

Stay Tuned With Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku, host of “Buffaloes in Our
Lives" a TWO hour weekly radio program, aired in the Northwest area
on KBOI 670 AM, Saturdays at 7:00 a.m. Read Dr. Kituku’s newest
articles in, Zidaho.com, Idahopress.com, Idahostatesman.com,
Argusobserver.com, Times-News Magic Valley.

You can order Dr. Kituku’s books and tapes in any of the following
methods: Call Toll Free 1-888 685 1621 or (208) 376-8724 (orders are
mailed within 24 hours) (Visa, Master and Discover cards accepted) Mail
order: Send check or money order to: KITUKU & ASSOCIATES, P.O Box
7152, Boise, Idaho 83707.  Electronic Order: Order directly while you
are here.  Your information is confidential. Orders mailed within 24
hours after your information has been processed. You can also order
from Amazon.com (Note: not all books and tapes are sold at Amazon.com).